About Psoriasis
Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Adean Kingston of Adean Kingston, M.D., PLLC in Dallas, Texas assists patients with the diagnosis and ongoing management of psoriasis. This is a chronic skin condition that occurs when skin cells grow too rapidly. Psoriasis causes flaky, red, silvery patches of skin that can become inflamed, itchy, scaly, and can crust. Normal skin cells turn over and flake about once a month or every four weeks. Sufferers of psoriasis have skin cells that build-up quickly and form what is known as plaques. They can range in size and location on the body, forming on the elbows, hands, knees, scalp, and lower back.
There are many different forms of psoriasis. One kind, called plaque psoriasis, is the most commonly experienced. While most cases of psoriasis are considered mild and can be treated with topical prescription medications, some cases are moderate to severe and require oral or injectable biologic treatments to help clear the skin. Once it is diagnosed, it is a matter of managing the symptoms so that flare ups can be minimized.
Psoriasis Reviews
Psoriasis can be inherited and approximately one-third of people who have psoriasis have one or more family members with the condition. Scientists have isolated certain genes that if inherited and you get exposed to a "trigger", it can lead to psoriasis. Guttate psoriasis is the second most common type of psoriasis and it often occurs after a respiratory illnesses or viral infection in a younger individual.
Prevalent symptoms associated with psoriasis include raised, bright, red patches of skin that are covered with loose and silvery scales. Well circumscribed plaques can also appear in the same area on both sides of your body, such as on both knees and/or both elbows. Your scalp can experience anything from mild scaling to areas of thick, crusted plaques. Itching is common before flare ups, especially when psoriatic patches appear in body folds such as the groin, in between the buttocks or under the breasts. Tiny areas of skin bleeding can occur when scales are picked or scraped off. This is known as an Auspitz's sign.
Treatment Options
While there is no cure for psoriasis, there are a variety of treatments available to treat the condition depending on the severity and type of psoriasis that you have. Mild cases can be treated with prescription lotions, creams, and ointments. When your scalp is affected, shampoos, sprays, and oils can be used. Systemic medications are prescription drugs that are taken orally or by injection, and work throughout the body. They are typically used on individuals with moderate to severe psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. In addition, lasers, phototherapy (use of ultraviolet light) and other treatment modalities may be advised for many psoriasis cases.
Psoriasis FAQ
Is psoriasis spreadable?
There is no chance for you to catch psoriasis as it's not contagious. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease and can't be transferred from person to person. Despite the fact that it's not contagious, it might stay idle in your system, where certain factors may incite it to emerge or intensify.
Can psoriasis be inherited?
Psoriasis impacts roughly 7.5 million adults in America. Even if the cause is typically unspecified, genetics has been confirmed to be an important factor in its advancement. However, genetics isn't the only characteristic responsible, and you could have psoriasis even if it is not inherited.
How are eczema and psoriasis different?
When you have psoriasis, it can create thick, inflamed, flaking spots and occur on numerous areas of the body. Eczema generally develops around the knees and elbows and may cause unrelenting itching. It may not be easy to recognize the differences between the two, so it is preferable to get an accurate diagnosis by contacting Dr. Kingston.
Improve your psoriasis
Psoriasis can be painful and embarrassing, making it difficult for you to carry out simple tasks in your everyday life. If this is the case in your situation, we encourage you to reach out to Adean Kingston, M.D., PLLC at your earliest convenience. During a consultation with Dr. Kingston, your condition can be assessed and a treatment plan customized to help make your symptoms more tolerable, and your quality of life better.