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Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Dallas, TX

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About SCC

The best thing you can do for your skin and overall health is to see a dermatologist regularly for a full body skin exam but also when a mole or growth on your skin begins to change. The cells on the upper layers of your skin are made up of squamous cells, and when they mutate or change, they can become squamous cell carcinomas (SCC). Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Adean Kingston is highly skilled and experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of squamous cell carcinoma. With overexposure or repeated exposure to the sun's damaging UV rays, millions of people are diagnosed with SCC at an alarming rate each year. They can look wart-like in appearance, like a patch of eczema, or as a firm nodule on the skin that may flake and bleed on impact. The best advice we can give you is that if you suspect something is wrong with your skin, please have a dermatologist check it out. It is also important to know that SCC is a type of metastatic cancer, which means it can spread to other areas of your body.

SCC is a preventable skin cancer if precautions are taken by limiting sun exposure and applying sunscreen to always protect the skin. Dr. Kingston will tell you herself that there is no such thing as a "safe tan." SCC is clearly visible on the skin and is easier to treat when caught early in its development. We invite you to Adean Kingston, M.D., PLLC in Dallas, Texas for a private consultation.

Known Causes

Everyone has a risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma, no matter if you are fair-skinned with light-colored hair, or with gray/blue/green eyes or not. If you expose your skin to the sun for work or for leisure, you increase your chances of acquiring this type of skin cancer. We do know that men have SCC more often than women, and adults over the age of 50 are the most at risk. Anyone who has used an indoor tanning bed is also susceptible to SCC (and account for many of our new skin cancer patients each year). Other known reasons for patients developing SCC are from having radiation exposure in the past or from currently being immunosuppressed such as following organ transplantation.

Presenting Symptoms

Paying attention to the growths on your skin may not seem that important, but it truly is when it comes to seeing the symptoms of skin cancer. SCC spots will start to evolve and may even be mistaken for a wart or another skin growth. They can present as rough, scaly spots that just won't heal or bleed very quickly when disrupted on the skin. When any lesion on your skin starts to change in symmetry, color, shape, or size — you need to set up an appointment to see a skin specialist or an experienced dermatologist, like Dr. Kingston. If left untreated, you risk more than just the aesthetics of your skin because SCCs can become life-threatening cancer.

Treatment Options

There are many options for treatment for our SCC patients at Adean Kingston, M.D., PLLC. If the cancer is caught in the earlier stages, it will be easier to remove with (hopefully) minimal scarring. This depends on the subtype of the SCC, it’s location on your body and on the size and depth of the lesion. You do not want an SCC to spread because that is when it becomes a more serious issue. With early diagnosis, SCC is usually curable. There are many treatments available for skin cancers based on the subtype of the malignancy, size, location, and the depth and extent of involvement. Once a diagnosis is established, Dr. Kingston will discuss the appropriate treatments for you. A simple excision, cryotherapy, electrodesiccation, curettage, and chemotherapeutic medication are all available at Adean Kingston, M.D., PLLC. If needed, Dr. Kingston works with many specialists to appropriately treat the skin cancer.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma FAQ

How dangerous is squamous cell carcinoma?

While SCC is not typically deadly, it can nonetheless spread to other parts of the body if ignored. If you have indicators of squamous cell carcinoma, including a blister or lesion that has not healed after two months, it's ideal to schedule a visit with a medical professional.

How is squamous cell carcinoma identified?

This kind of skin cancer is detected by taking a skin biopsy. For this test, Dr. Kingston will employ a scalpel or surgical knife to excise a sample of skin tissue, which will be examined in our laboratory for signs of cancer. Further lab tests could be carried out to monitor whether the cancer has expanded to additional areas of the body.

Will squamous cell carcinoma require surgery?

Surgery is the standard treatment for squamous cell carcinoma, but everyone's case is distinct. After SCC has been diagnosed, Dr. Kingston will discuss the optimal option for your health. The options used will differ according to the stage of SCC and whether they are superficial or have permeated beneath the top layer of skin.

Set Up Your Screening

Make a life-saving appointment at Adean Kingston, M.D., PLLC to have your skin assessed for skin cancers, like squamous cell carcinoma. We are versed in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of SCC, and it is vital to see a dermatologist, like Dr. Kingston, to examine your skin. Our team will provide you with the compassionate care you deserve and educate you on how to best care for your skin with or without malignancies. Please contact our office at your earliest convenience to schedule your examination (especially if you already have a worrisome spot that needs to be evaluated).

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.